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"Мы самая "пиратская" группа Норвегии. Другой такой такой у нас нет."

Necrobutcher, 2012

Another God in Another Place


Nazorite, lost messiah
Rabbi man from Galilee
You raised the dead or so they say
Did you want be a god for a third world cause?
Don’t make any mistakes
I didn’t come here to bring peace,
I came to bring a sword,
Do you think God only belongs to you?
He doesn’t
God is an immortal spirit who belongs to everybody.
God is not an Israelite.
Crucified lost messiah
Priest king and Sicari
You opened your eyes but faith is blind
Did you want be a cure for as fucked up world?
Don’t make any mistakes
I didn’t come here to bring peace,
I came to bring a sword,
Do you think God only belongs to you?
He doesn’t
God is an immortal spirit who belongs to everybody.
God is not an Israelite.
Believe in me, you fucking scum
Kneel before my name,
I am the Son of God
Kill for me and live forever by my side.
Or burn n fucking Hell.
Wanderer, prophet man
Killed by fear in a conquered land
Crowned with thorns and nailed up high
Did you want be a star in a sky full of shit?
I am the God of blasphemy.
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