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О новом альбоме, круизе Barge to Hell, лейбле Season Of Mist и пиратах...
О приходе в Mayhem, планах на будущее, альбоме "Ordo Ad Chao", сторонних проектах, новых песнях и...
Цитата группы

"Пока Dead и Hellhammer не присоединились к группе, Mayhem были просто веселым кружком по интересам".

Varg Vikernes

Buried By Time And Dust


Visions of that no mornings 
light ever will come. I'm to old now. 
The dark is so near, will I ever reach the land beyond 
This is where we go when we have to die. 
I've been old since the birth of time.Time buried me in earth 
centuries ago, I tasted blood. 
Buried by time and dust. 
Many years has pasted since the funeral. 
Missing the blood of human throats 
so many years, ages ago. 
I must await, feel my bodies stench. 
Wanderings out of space. 
Wandering out of time. 
A world out of light, death at the end. 
Only silence can be heard, silence of peoples tears. 
No one knows my grave. 
Buried by time and dust.
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