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Цитата группы

"Настоящий Death Metal должен пугать людей".

Euronymous, 1990

In the Lies Where Upon You Lay (Pre-production Version)


In the century where man dies 
We the huntress of the hollow hills 
Must put ourselves above pity 
Above self deception as law 
We must be again as once were 
We the soul of the earth 
As reaping time descends 
The sour gain of mercy withers 
Into the night we must go into the darkest abyss 
To a level of consciousness unknown to Christendom 
We want life we crush the dream of heaven 
As we bring the blade down one swift move 
We are the chosen ones chosen by will to life 
You life lairs crawl on you banded knees 
As you finally die you will eventually have lost more 
By not living by the sword than what you lose in death 
Not by mercy by strength we end your pity lives 
Not by spirit by flesh we awaken the beast within 
Knee deep in your repulsive blood we march 
Victorious by the power of our minds and bodies 
Watch the twilight of your god 
As you system cracks and all your life is dead priest 
Take a look into our minds 
Feel the pulse of omnipotent strength 
Take a look into our souls 
Feel your life drained of everything that was 
Hear my words feel my wrath 
Your death is sweet 
All your life is dead priest 
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