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О новом альбоме, круизе Barge to Hell, лейбле Season Of Mist и пиратах...
О приходе в Mayhem, планах на будущее, альбоме "Ordo Ad Chao", сторонних проектах, новых песнях и...
Цитата группы

"Если кто-то из вас где-нибудь откопает книгу "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" и переживет знакомство с нею, свяжитесь, пожалуйста, со мной, чтобы я мог спокойно умереть..."

Dead, 1989

Witching Hour (Venom cover)


Come hear the moon is calling,
The witching hour draws near,
Come hear the bell is tolling,
Mortals run in fear,
Prepare the altar now and hear the virgin cry,
Hold fast the sacrifice,
For now it's the time to die,
All hell breaks loose,
Hell's breaking loose.
Unveil the pentagram,
And feel the demons lust,
Come watch the holy men,
Who look on in disgust,
Come taste blood,
And feel the heat of satan's breath,
Look in the sky's and see,
The warriors of death,
All hell breaks loose,
Hell's breaking loose,
Witching hour.
Our work is now complete,
The blood runs fast and free,
And satan takes his bride,
And cry's of blasphemy,
All hell rejoices at the child,
That she will bear,
And satans only son,
Shall be the worlds despair,
All hell breaks loose,
Hell's breaking loose,
Witching hour.
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